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GetPixel - Retreiving a Pixel Color - page 1

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GetPixel is yet another member of the Windows API. It is used to determine the pixel color of an object at an (X, Y) location determined by you, the programmer. To begin, add the following to a new or existing module within your current project.
Declare Function GetPixel Lib "GDI" (ByVal hDC As Integer, _
????ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer) As Long
To use this function, begin by changing your Form's name to frmMain. Also, set its ScaleMode to 3 (pixel). Now add the following code to your Form_MouseDown procedure.
Call MsgBox(GetPixel(frmMain.hDC, X, Y))
When you run the porgram and click on the form, a MessageBox will appear. The number written in this MessageBox is the pixel color at the (X, Y) coordinate you clicked. How to decode this number into its RGB values can be found in another tutorial. Enjoy, and good luck!
Matt Huggins
Nobis Productions

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