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Tile-Based Games FAQ v1.2 - page 1

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Please Note

The appendix is missing from this html-ized version of the faq. I will be adding it at a later date. If you want to see it, the original article can be downloaded at


Tilefaq 1.2 Copyright 1995 Greg Taylor. All rights reserved. Appendix I Copyright 1995 Chris Palmer. All rights reserved.
This document is freely redistributable provided that is distributed in its entirety, with this copyright notice included verbatim. There are no restrictions on works derived from this document.

I : Introduction

There has been a fair response to my initial release of this file and there have been many requests for additional information, all of which I will cover in this version.

This FAQ emphasizes on the style of graphics similar to those used in U6 and U7 by Origin. Many of the techniques presented are aimed at systems with limited memory and/or speed like PCs with a 640K barrier; but this document also includes alternative methods and suggestions on how to code for less restrictive systems. This is just a brief, but hopefully complete overview of one method to achieving the Tile-based style. There are other methods and I'd like to hear about them, because much of this FAQ has been pieced together from various implementations of the 'Tile' graphics style.

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