the black hole 
it all ends here. 
bhC login
 the black hole's front page. all the latest vb rpg development and vbgaming news, as well as this week's feature rpg project!
rpg theory (7)
directx in vb (3)
vb rpg programming (4)
miscellaneous (4)
rpg / tile engine source (23)
full vb games w/ source (5)
'helper' libraries and utilities (13)
effect samples (5)
miscellaneous (10)
rpg projects
 vb rpg projects under development by members of the bhC. show them your support, and check out their games!
message board
 a forum to interact with your fellow vb rpg programmers. you do *not* have to be a bhC member to post!
vb rpg programming (5)
vb gaming (14)
general game programming (6)
vb sites (6)
miscellaneous (2)
general rpg programming (2)
 you want to contact the guy behind the black hole? here's where to do it!


Site orginally designed by David Goodlad. I took over and redid it from and big thank you to the kind people for sending the old blackhole files and database dumps. I did a couple versions before but they are nothing compared to this edition enjoy.