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 vb rpg projects under development by members of the bhC. show them your support, and check out their games!
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 a forum to interact with your fellow vb rpg programmers. you do *not* have to be a bhC member to post!
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Links - VB Sites

Mad Rat Pro. Innovative Software Creating - webmaster: Konrad Rudolph
The homepage of Mad Rat Pro. Featuring the RPG project Gemini Quest, the encoding algorithm adV and many tutorials!
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VBDirectX.Com - webmaster: Alex Morano (Joviex)
Community building for the Visual Basic and DirectX community. Full daily news wire. A site maintained by the users for the users, msg board, news, article and link submissions.
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Theo's VB Programming Site - webmaster: Theo
Perfect VB site for beginners, intermediate and advanced programmers, 30 + tutorials (from newbie to advanced), 50 + examples, FAQ, codes, projects, references, tips, message board and more!
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Visual Basic Zone - webmaster: Jonathan Valentin
Over 250 Visual Basic Code examples! Lots of visual basic games with source. Updated almost every day!!
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AbstractVB - webmaster: Webmaster
A great source of VB source code and tutorials. Definately a good place to check out if you're fairly new to VB.
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VBExplorer - webmaster: Webmaster
This is one of the biggest and best sites for VB 'newbies' around. There is a bit of more advanced content, but it's mainly simple introductory stuff which is great to get started with!
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