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.Wanted Fugitives
By PC Software

 This is an excellent game made in pure Visual Basic, and it will be a fun, addictive Role Playing Game, where you are the main character. You will go on an epic quest around a huge fantasy world, interacting with many characters, and purchasing and selling weapons such as rocket launches, pistols, and machine guns. You decide you shouldn't use the guns, as you would get taken to jail for many years, which you've already done before, so you decide to just sell and trade weapons, armor, ammo, and other things to get RICH! Make sure you visit our (temporary) website at: Check out the screen shot too.

Cool graphics
Will be very fun and exciting to play
Will have source code released!
Great story behind it
Interesting Gameplay

Development Status:
Maps: 60%, Game: 80%, Graphics 90%
Expected Release:
End of 2000

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[ Map 1 Shot ]