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Robert Sole, Greatest pizza guy on earth Part 1
By Davesoft Online Ltd.

 SUSPENDED UNTIL 2002 Deliver pizzas on earth until you go 1 delivery too far, about 1/4 light year too far.

Origonal music
Adaptable graphics
Your score helps in part 2
3 hidden mini games, 1 online

Development Status:
70% complete
Expected Release:
im givin this one a break, dunno when ill be finished

Most Recent Project News

September 15th, 2000
 - Ship finally done
 the ships lower deck is finished, now i have to do the after bit, the bit that leads to the next game.

September 9th, 2000
 - Finished
 ive finished the first section where you deliver a pizza to white giant now i need to expand the ship a little and ill be finished

September 2nd, 2000
 - How it all began for rob sole
 i have the first games story figured out, it more of a character builder with no real aim, but lots of little missions. usually involveing pizza delivery rob must complete his missions then get paid in order to buy better stuff, may seem pointlees but itll be usefull in the next game i have planned. also the BLOBs or the repair robots on the ship, they can be interacted with and grown like tamagotchis and afect the game in certain ways. thats all for now dave

Most Recent Screenshot(s)

[ Maintaning blobs ]

[ City view ]

[ Lower decks ]