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Volume I: The Felchemp Legacy
By Average Software

 Average Software's first VB game, The Felchemp Legacy is a console style RPG inspired in part by Sega titles such as Phantasy Star and Shining Force. This epic masterpiece is a massive adventure that covers two worlds and includes 27 playable characters, some of them secret. Set in a world that has known peace for years, an unknown entity is beginning to unravel the delicate balance between Chaos and Order, a situation which can only lead to destruction. Heroes will rise, many will die, and in the end, eight saviors must stand alone against the awesome might of a being from beyond time. Pain, suffering, death, and final glory... such is The Felchemp Legacy!

Classic 2D style of play
Engrossing story line that spans six generations
Over 8 years in development!
%100 DirectX Free! (Haven't learned it yet...)
First chapter of a three part series

Development Status:
Engine %80, Battle Engine %10, Story and Script %60
Expected Release:

Most Recent Project News

November 15th, 2000
 - Back in action!
 Alright, back in US, computer arrived in the mail, think I got an artist (still waiting for samples of her work), programming will resume! Web site to appear shortly.

October 18th, 2000
 - On hold...
 Project on hold, currently moving from Okinawa back to the U.S. Will resume work in about two weeks.

October 10th, 2000
 - Important Breakthroughs!
 Recently completed scrolling engine, and tile engine is nearly complete. Currently drawing tileset, sloooooowwww work.

Most Recent Screenshot(s)

[ New Tile Set! ]