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68 (working title)
By Just me, Kiri
 not made yet

 68 tries to be the most interactive rpg. i don't know if this will be online or not, but i'm going to implement artifical emotions along with intelligent NPCs. main concepts are to have a funny story & interesting environment. i'm about to built a whole new virtual world by the way... :)

The Best gfx I can make :) My favourite musics inside the game! A lot of NPCs, items, tiles and so on!

Development Status:
just setting up DX8 & making the tile engine
Expected Release:

Most Recent Project News

February 19th, 2001
 - Game engines
 For tile engine I'll use the one named VBRPG. I found that in the tutorials section (?). I wrote my sound engine, named X8. I'm planning to extend & modify VBRPG a bit to fit my needs...

February 19th, 2001
 - X8 Sound Engine v1.0a
 X8 features:
- Simple DirectSound initialization
- Easy .wav file playing on 16 channels
simultaneously! (no need to mess up with buffer declaration; the ability to set frequency, volume and pan easily)
- Simple effect management (adding & removing standard effects)

These will be added later:

- The ability to set effect parameters easily

Most Recent Screenshot(s)

There are no screenshots for this project.