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 you want to contact the guy behind the black hole? here's where to do it!


By Nuke Ware & Daruma Interactive

 An incredible new rpg with many plots and multiple endings. Get all the details by visiting

great story great graphics great music ....just a great game!

Development Status:
Expected Release:
Fall of 2001

Most Recent Project News

June 24th, 2001
 - Rahaji Revealed!
 The curtain has been lifted and low and behold we reveal yet another game! But wait a minute, you may ask, aren't you suppose to be working on Legends? Yep, there's some serious multitasking going on around here! Nuke Ware and Daruma Interactive have joined forces to bring you an epic RPG called Rahaji. It's been in development since late last year and is getting very near completion! Check out all the juicy details in the products section of the site! - Chris Kline Founder of Nuke Ware

Most Recent Screenshot(s)

[ Rahaji ]